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  • Writer's pictureRevaataseo

The Necessity to Take Good Notes in IELTS Listening Exam

An important part of the IELTS test that is difficult to crack is the listening exam. To crack IELTS and get into your dream college, you need to clear all the sections of the exam, which includes the listening test. One of the main reasons why many students find it difficult to crack the listening section is because they don’t know the tips and tricks of cracking the exam. The only way you can crack the exam is by enrolling with an IELTS coaching and preparation centre that provide you all the assistance you need to crack the exam. In addition to enrolling in an IELTS coaching and preparation centre, there is one important point that you need to take in mind is to take notes during the exam. So, in this blog, we discuss the necessity of taking good notes to clear IELTS listening exam.

Why do you need to Take Notes?

During the IELTS listening exam, you need to hear a number of recordings and answer the questions on what you heard in the recordings. You will get some time to read the instructions and questions after listening to the recordings. An important point that you need to remember is you can listen to the tapes only once. The listening test is divided in four sections and at the end of the exam you will be given a chance to transfer your answers on an answer sheet. However, the challenge is that you can hear the recordings only once. As a result, if you miss anything, you miss it forever. However, you get the opportunity to read through the questions beforehand, which is why you have some chance to find the information you were listening. This is the reason why you need to develop your skills of taking notes during the IELTS exam.

Here are some of the reasons why you need to take notes:

· When you take notes while listening to the recordings, you can use it later to write an answer.

· The recordings also provide some instructions that you need to follow during the exam. Taking notes of the instructions ensure that you don’t miss out on anything that may reduce your score.

· Without taking the notes, you can’t remember the key points which are important to clear the exams

· When you hear the audio, you won’t be able to take remember everything that’s mentioned in the recording. Thinking that you will remember the key points is unrealistic, which is why you need to take notes.

How to Practice Taking Notes?

One of the best ways to practise taking notes is by listening audios or watching videos and making good notes. The only way to do this is by joining an IELTS coaching in Delhi. The coaching centres help you learn how to take notes for the listening exams. Try and listen to the talk before you reading the transcript or you may not score well in the listening test.

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